Friday, March 21, 2008

Tomarrow's Here (Roller Coaster Ride)

Tomorrow's Here (Roller Coaster Ride)

I called you-I was crying, I was scared.
You told me that you where there-and offered me a prayer.
And somehow through the pain I believed that you where right,
When you told me everything was going to be just fine.

Cause life is like a roller coaster ride,
Even though you know everythings going to turn out right-your scared.
Hold on, Keep your faith strong,
God know's what he's doing-and before long
Today's tears fall into yesteryear,
and today's yesterday and tomorrow's here.

I said I was weak-you told me I was strong,
When I couldn't take it you promised I was wrong.
I wanted to lay down and close my eyes-you told me not to let the devil win this fight.
Somehow I made it through the night.

Cause life is like a roller coaster ride,
Even though you know everythings going to turn out right-your scared.
Hold on, Keep your faith strong,
God know's what he's doing-and before longToday's tears fall into yesteryear,
and today's yesterday and tomorrow's here.

I called you, I was crying, I was scared,
Tomorrow's here.
Life is like a roller coaster ride,
Tomorrow's here.
Don't let the devil win this fight,
Tomorrow's here.
Tomorrow's here.


For A Friend

For a Friend

Your heart's so full that it could burst,
your thinking so much it hurts.
You don't know where to go from here
you're lost-and your scared

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way,
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

You feel alone-you feel unloved
you need to see the truth
That GOD will always be with you
And I'm here-I won't leave you

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

I know its hard to see him thought this pain,
but He is with you, he will not forsake you

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way,
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

Oh yeah, He will heal your heart in time
but until then-I am by your side
I am always by your side


Favorite Quotes (Silly Edition)

"Mom, come look at this star!"-Dahlton and Dakota
"Dude, thats a street light!"-Tina (mom)
"No! Its a star from Jesus!"-Dahlton and Dakota

"Jasmine doesn't have her devotion done."-Jasmine

"What tree was in the Garden of Eden?"-Scott
"An apple tree!"-Me
(laughter throughout Sunday School room)
"Um...try the tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil."-TJ and Taylor (in all their Biblical knowlege...pah!)

"The capitol of Illinois is St. Loius isn't it?"-Me
"No. Taylor, whats the capitol of Illinois?"-Tina
"St. Loius."-Taylor
"Thats what Brandi said!"-Tina
"Oh, your talking to Brandi? Then tell her its salt!"-Taylor

"He's hauling lumber, he must be a happy guy!"-Amie

"Elemenopee?...el...em...en...o...pee?...Elemenopee? OH! L-M-N-O-P!"-Amie

"Did that billboard just say 'I'm a hot toe picker?'"-Jessica G.

"1...2...3...BOARDING!"-Me and Amie

"There must have been a fire...all the trees are naked!"-Me

"I love her! I want to be her!"-Amie (refering to Edna off 'The Incredibles')

"Honk if you love Jesus!"-Shining Heart Sister 2007

"Pause not/So pause so!"-Shining Heart Sister 2007

"Where are you guys?"-Ed
"Only about 2 or 3 or 5 miles behind you guys, Mr. Nascar."-Me

"Slow Traffic Keep Right."-Sign on Interstate on way home from Camp

"A jig a jar a cup a jug a...A GALLON OF MILK!"-Me

"Colby, don't forget to take the lens cap off."-Me
(five minutes later)
"Brandi, don't forget to take the lens cap off."-Colby

"SALT!"-Everyone but me

"We will just tell her we had a misconsuption."-Kaylee (reffering to the paper jam in the copier)

"If she would have just hit it going the other way, everything would have been alright."-Me

"In Tow?"-Amie


"What president, in the '30s..."-Mrs. Moomaw

"You know what, Marianne...?"-Jenna

"Is anyone else gone today?"-Mrs. Moomaw
"...Davina..."-Me and Davina

"Herbalife? Herbalife, Herbalife, Herbalife! Just say it, its fun!"-me

"The purple of compliment is..."-Me


"If there wasn't a coffin right there..."-Davina

"I hate halloween! You want to know why? Cause theres to much candy...and I like it!"-Chelsey

"Plastic and your mom!"-Colby

"Whats that"-TJ
"Gooey frog goo."-Me

"Did Decky hit another Beer?"-Me (meaning to say 'Did Becky hit another Deer?')

"It's so funny when you use big words!"-Tina

"Head on collision!"-Me (singing 'Head on Collision' by Hawk Nelson...and dancing)
"We're gonna have a head on collision if don't stop putting your hand in front of Melissa's eyes!"-Amie

"it won't come apart!"-Amie
"Is some one having problems?"-Me
"Oh, its because I am holding the same chord!"-Amie

"Everyone get on the internet and go to the KS state assesment website."-Miss Adams
(a minute later)
"Ok, Where are we going?"-Amie
(5 minutes later)
"OK what was the website again?"-Amie

"You know what, Amie Mumma?"-Me
"I wasn't talking to you."-Amie
"Oh, OK."-Me

"I have never heard him sing. Is he good?"-Amie
"He's decent, but he's not like Seventh Day Slumber. Hello, my love!"-Me

"Tiger Woods doesn't chip the ball. The ball chips Chuck Norris."-Amie

"I'm not the brightest tool in the shed."-Me

"Lets play horse."-Taylor (while bowling)
"OK, but lets make it pig, its shorter."-Me
after getting a "p" before everyone else
"Whose dumb idea was it to play this game."-Taylor

"pouring sheet rock/salt/paper/eyeliner/Brady"-Inside Jokes

"Cause I'm a loser."-Me
"To who? God or the world?"-Tina
"The world...I'm such a loser"-Me
"Brandi, you are so cool!"-Tina

You Are

You Are

Sometimes life gets in the way-of the important things
It makes me doubt you and all that you do
And though I do not deserve your everlasting love
It keeps coming-and you keep showing me

That you are...
The king of all my days,
you are worth more then just my praise
and though I don't deserve you in my heart
You are.

When this world spins just to fast-and I loose sight of you
I forget what to do-and I retrace steps of my old ways
you reveal to me in amazing ways-the power of your grace
Reminding me

That you are
the king of all my days
you are worth more then just my praise
and though I don't deserve you in my heart
You are.

Oh, I do not deserve you Lord,
but here you are, you are

You are.....The kings of all my days
worth more, more then my praise
and though I don't deserve you in my heart
your are.
