Friday, March 21, 2008

Favorite Quotes (Silly Edition)

"Mom, come look at this star!"-Dahlton and Dakota
"Dude, thats a street light!"-Tina (mom)
"No! Its a star from Jesus!"-Dahlton and Dakota

"Jasmine doesn't have her devotion done."-Jasmine

"What tree was in the Garden of Eden?"-Scott
"An apple tree!"-Me
(laughter throughout Sunday School room)
"Um...try the tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil."-TJ and Taylor (in all their Biblical knowlege...pah!)

"The capitol of Illinois is St. Loius isn't it?"-Me
"No. Taylor, whats the capitol of Illinois?"-Tina
"St. Loius."-Taylor
"Thats what Brandi said!"-Tina
"Oh, your talking to Brandi? Then tell her its salt!"-Taylor

"He's hauling lumber, he must be a happy guy!"-Amie

"Elemenopee?...el...em...en...o...pee?...Elemenopee? OH! L-M-N-O-P!"-Amie

"Did that billboard just say 'I'm a hot toe picker?'"-Jessica G.

"1...2...3...BOARDING!"-Me and Amie

"There must have been a fire...all the trees are naked!"-Me

"I love her! I want to be her!"-Amie (refering to Edna off 'The Incredibles')

"Honk if you love Jesus!"-Shining Heart Sister 2007

"Pause not/So pause so!"-Shining Heart Sister 2007

"Where are you guys?"-Ed
"Only about 2 or 3 or 5 miles behind you guys, Mr. Nascar."-Me

"Slow Traffic Keep Right."-Sign on Interstate on way home from Camp

"A jig a jar a cup a jug a...A GALLON OF MILK!"-Me

"Colby, don't forget to take the lens cap off."-Me
(five minutes later)
"Brandi, don't forget to take the lens cap off."-Colby

"SALT!"-Everyone but me

"We will just tell her we had a misconsuption."-Kaylee (reffering to the paper jam in the copier)

"If she would have just hit it going the other way, everything would have been alright."-Me

"In Tow?"-Amie


"What president, in the '30s..."-Mrs. Moomaw

"You know what, Marianne...?"-Jenna

"Is anyone else gone today?"-Mrs. Moomaw
"...Davina..."-Me and Davina

"Herbalife? Herbalife, Herbalife, Herbalife! Just say it, its fun!"-me

"The purple of compliment is..."-Me


"If there wasn't a coffin right there..."-Davina

"I hate halloween! You want to know why? Cause theres to much candy...and I like it!"-Chelsey

"Plastic and your mom!"-Colby

"Whats that"-TJ
"Gooey frog goo."-Me

"Did Decky hit another Beer?"-Me (meaning to say 'Did Becky hit another Deer?')

"It's so funny when you use big words!"-Tina

"Head on collision!"-Me (singing 'Head on Collision' by Hawk Nelson...and dancing)
"We're gonna have a head on collision if don't stop putting your hand in front of Melissa's eyes!"-Amie

"it won't come apart!"-Amie
"Is some one having problems?"-Me
"Oh, its because I am holding the same chord!"-Amie

"Everyone get on the internet and go to the KS state assesment website."-Miss Adams
(a minute later)
"Ok, Where are we going?"-Amie
(5 minutes later)
"OK what was the website again?"-Amie

"You know what, Amie Mumma?"-Me
"I wasn't talking to you."-Amie
"Oh, OK."-Me

"I have never heard him sing. Is he good?"-Amie
"He's decent, but he's not like Seventh Day Slumber. Hello, my love!"-Me

"Tiger Woods doesn't chip the ball. The ball chips Chuck Norris."-Amie

"I'm not the brightest tool in the shed."-Me

"Lets play horse."-Taylor (while bowling)
"OK, but lets make it pig, its shorter."-Me
after getting a "p" before everyone else
"Whose dumb idea was it to play this game."-Taylor

"pouring sheet rock/salt/paper/eyeliner/Brady"-Inside Jokes

"Cause I'm a loser."-Me
"To who? God or the world?"-Tina
"The world...I'm such a loser"-Me
"Brandi, you are so cool!"-Tina

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