Friday, March 21, 2008

For A Friend

For a Friend

Your heart's so full that it could burst,
your thinking so much it hurts.
You don't know where to go from here
you're lost-and your scared

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way,
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

You feel alone-you feel unloved
you need to see the truth
That GOD will always be with you
And I'm here-I won't leave you

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

I know its hard to see him thought this pain,
but He is with you, he will not forsake you

Just close your eyes and bow your head,
ask GOD to lead the way,
give your life to Him right now
and He'll be with you from here on out,
Cause He loves you-and He will heal your heart in time
and until then-I am by your side.

Oh yeah, He will heal your heart in time
but until then-I am by your side
I am always by your side


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